Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Why 52 Wednesdays for Art?

Because I've been able to go to 4 days a week at the job.
Because it has officially been 10 yrs since Art was the main focus of my life.
Because I never seem to have enough time.
Because I miss it.
Because I feel happiest when I'm doing it.
Because I have loads of art projects that I want to do and never seem to get around to.

Up till now (hopefully) I have really struggled to get any sort of balance with my working life, home life and creative life - I am hoping that '52 Wednesdays for Art' gives me more balance and satisfaction in my life and in myself. I would like to share this journey with friend and family as the year goes by!

The other thing I really miss is an arts community - so perhaps via this blog I will reconnect with friends, artists and family - and perhaps meet new ones?

I would like to spend more time in the pottery studio and in my painting studio...drawing, painting, creating. Basically just reveling in TIME to be creative!

My first Wednesday for Art was spent at the Chicago Institute of Art (well it was actually a different day because I was stuck in Dublin Airport that day) but anyway - I spent the day looking at the Impressionist collection there doing a bit of 'research' for the large-scale painting that my parents have commissioned for their house in Montana.

Below I have included a few images of my the objects I finished before Christmas at the pottery studio.

More to follow!


  1. You go girl. It's always good to spend some time for yourself on yourself or doing what you like to do. I'll check back weekly. -Frank Dahl

  2. I love the top leaf. It is very dynamic and textural. The color is neutral and soothing.
