Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Week 5 - Oil painting is as much fun as I remember

Slightly frightened but feeling ready, it was time to start the Montana painting today. To my surprise, it went well!

So far so good -- it felt quite natural as I was roughly working from top to bottom. (It always makes sense to do that or you drag your hand through your wet paint.) Having my watercolour to refer to was a great help. But I had forgotten how much oil paint/medium and turp smell. I have left the window cracked a bit for ventilation!

And a visit to the pottery studio today as well:

One of my test tiles was out of the kiln - it looks fab (it is dipped in various combinations of things, hence the three stripes). The lighter green looks great, I will be ready to glaze a few tiles next week!

And I did a test tile with some of the dried up slip that I made - the white braid is white clay pressed into the croxton and there are also dark blue spots pressed into the tile. Dark brown slip brushed and squirted on top for a bit of surface texture. The letters are to go with my other set (which was a bit short on vowels)

And I dipped my braid pots from last week in white slip, the smaller one has a drip on the front. Some slip must have gotten caught in the braid - oh well, I might add more slip to these next week. The were too wet to handle any further today!

The bigger one looks great too!

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