Tuesday, 19 October 2010

week 39 - Blob bowl and more Xmas decorations

Back again in Pottery this week...

I dried out some slip clay and rolled it into balls so that I could press it into a plaster mould and make my own spotty/multicoloured version of the black bowl I glazed a few weeks ago.

Now it is all pressed into the mould, I have smoothed out the clay on the inside to join all the pieces together. The inside should have a nice marbled effect as well where the different clays are mingling together.

I used grey croxton clay, dark green clay and dark blue clay. I want to glaze this in the white tin glaze that will react with the coloured slip and make a really nice hazy effect where the pigment from the slip seaps into the glaze in firing! The bowl should be multicoloured and sort of marbled looking on the inside as well.

I also thought those smokey looking Christmas decorations that were marbled with slip looked really great - so I did some more of these with dark green and also used the dark blue slip which I haven't tested before. If they turn out well, they will go for sale on the fundraising stall as well.

That white powder is talc, which helps keep the clay from sticking to the cookie cutters. it will burn away in the first firing.

I wonder why I had the urge to go home and bake after making these??

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