Saturday, 6 March 2010

Week 9 - Surprise from the Kiln!

Feeling a bit under the weather this week, but have a few things to report:

2 tiles have emerged from the kiln!
The colour is differnt to the test tile I did, but they still look good! Perhaps the temp in the kiln was not the same or I put a heavier coat of glaze on the tile...who knows. Happy accidents!

And on the painting I did a bit of work on the hillock on the right hand side, which I am pleased with. I also did a bit of more work on the trees on the left hand side. Next week I hope to finish the trees and get started on the water/reflections.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the color and texture you achieved in these latest tiles, especially the topmost tile. Now can you make a bunch more so I can redo the backsplash in my kitchen :) Kidding :) keep up the good work Kate and I hope you are feeling better
