Monday, 29 November 2010

week 48 - More glazing, not very exciting this week...

I am in a mad rush to get everything finished and in the kiln before Xmas (esp the things that are Xmas presents!) so I have been glazing again. Not very exciting. Sorry all you dedicated followers!

I glazed the letters that I was commissioned to make - I did a few extras and doubles of most letters so I have extras in case they go wrong or something in the kiln. They are looking good!

And I found a few more Xmas ornaments knocking around so I glazed them in a nice torquoise earthenware glaze that sort of separates and gets an orange skin texture...they other ones I did looked really good.

And then finally I glazed my blob bowls now since I had that successful test tile with the white tin glaze.
I really like these, the texture is great with the different blobs and how they show up, esp at the rim. It is nice there are two of them!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kate the letters are looking great...your craft stall looked amazing too - good job I didn't make it I would have been very tempted! Speak soon Rach x
